Swiss Police Patches - Polizeiabzeichen der Schweiz
Kanton Zürich / State of Zurich
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Kantonspolizei / Statepolicedepartment
Alte Abzeichen / Oldstyle Patches
ehemalige Fremdenpolizei / former Migrationpolice
Keine/No Uniform - Only 10 Patches produced
Stadtpolizei Zürich / Metropolitanpolice of Zurich
Dienstgrade / Ranks
Schulterpatten / Schoulderpatches
Stadt- und Gemeindepolizeien / City- and Townpolicedepartments
Stadtpolizei Winterthur / Citypolice of Winterthur
oldstyle | oldstyle / Hundeführer / K-9 - bevor 1972 | actual | actual Hundeführer / K-9 | Bike-Police |
Search- and Observation Unit | Specialservice | Detectiveservice | Youth Service | Quarterpolice |
Trainer |