Kanada / Canada
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Staatspolizei / Statepolice
Königlich Kanadische berittene Polizei / Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | alt / old style | alt / old style | RCMP Coastal Airport Watch | Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Jagdpolizei / Huntingpolice | Fischerei und Meerespolizei | Fischerei und Meerespolizei | Hafenpolizei / Harbourpolice |
Bahn- und Transportpolizei / Railway- and Transportpolice
Bahnpolizei / Railwaypolice | Canadian Pacific Railway Police | Canadian Pacific Railway Police - oldstyle | Transportpolizei |
Zoll / Customs
Verschiedene Provinzen / Different Provinces
British Columbia
Newfoundland / Labrador
New Brunswick
Northwest Territory
Nova Scotia
1989 | 1990 | 1990 | 1996-1997 | |
Québec Jagd-/ Fischerei- und Tourist Departement / Québec Department of Hunting-/ Fishing- and Tourists
1970 - 1980 | 1980 - 1990 | 1990 - actual |
Yukon Territory
Prince Edward Island
Government of Canada - National Battelfield Commission
Military Police