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Innenministerium & Nationalgarde / Ministry of Interior & National Guard
Allgemein alte Ausführungen / General older Styles
1993 - verry rare | 1993 - verry rare | 1994 - 1996 |
Allgemein vor 2003 / General bevor 2003
spring | spring | summer | summer | summer |
Hatbadge | winter | winter | Hatbadge |
Allgemein nach 2003 / General after 2003
spring | oldstyle summer | oldstyle summer | Gala | summer |
National Security Service
Interne Überwachung / Control Division of the Police |
Police Internal Anti Corruption
Interne Überwachung / Control Division of the Police |
Air Support
Bomb Squad
Criminal Service / Searceunit
Criminal Police
Summer | Winter | Winter | Spring |
Crime Scene Investigation
Frühling/Spring | Frühling/Spring | Summer | Summer | |
Winter | Winter | |||
Frühling/Spring | Frühling/Spring | Summer | Winter | |
Detective Service
Polizeitaucher / Policediver at Krim 1999-2000 |
Drug Unit
Environmental Police
Fonds of Police
Honorguard | Honorguard | Honorguard |
Office of Comanders
Patrouillendienst / Patrol Service
Interior Troops
Naturschutzpolizei / Natureprotectionpolice
Parliament- and Embassysecurity
Protection Service
1993-1996 | 2013 | Summer | Winter | Winter |
Public Security
Baretpatch | Brestflag in international Dutys | UN Peacekeeper | Brestflag in international Dutys | Baretpatch |
Wirtschaftskriminalität / Struggle against Economic Crime
Koordinations- & Taktikzentrum / Coordination- & Tacticcenter
Andere Einheiten / Other Units
Internationale Büros / International Offices
International Police | International Police Motor Corporation | International Police Motor Corporation |
Zentrale Feuerpolizei / Central Firepolice
Polizeihochschule / Policeuniversity of Charkiw
Nationalgarde / National Guard
19992 - 1999 | 19992 - 1999 |
Katastrophenschutz / Civil Protection
Academy in Charkiw | Academy in Charkiw |
Privater Sicherheitsdienst / Private Security Service